Thoughts for your heart: Guests in your house

Poetry is something I haven't done in years. It brought me back to that feeling of being in high school, nervous of how people may perceive you, heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement, questioning whether your choice in poem would reflect who you are, questioning again whether that matters and again whether I could possibly be reading too much into things. Surely poetry is about expression! whether the topic is big or small, profound or frivolous, serious or silly; it all makes up elements of our world and who we are. Every word is welcomed like a house guest. Every speaker a catalyst for a new concept, a new energy, a new thought.

When I first left Cape Town two years ago. I had a flame in my heart, a thirst for adventure and all I knew is that I wanted to make something of myself. I wanted to be independent. The one nagging problem was that I had no idea what I wanted to do and so I embarked on my quest to find my purpose in life. I knew there must be something for me out there. Like all young people it was essential that I took time out to "find myself" and what better place to do it other than my mother's Guest House in Fes, Morocco.

Me and my mom, Tessa Graaff
Built 600 years ago and nettled into the oldest part of the medi-evil, cobbled stone town that is Fes, the house is a magical hidden gem cleverly concealed in a mystical labyrinth of winding walled streets. The Guest House is a place of sanctuary. A place where you can hear your own heart beating and connect to your thoughts. It is a place where the pace of life is organic and slow. There are no cars and the daily walks have a grounding effect on one's soul. On one of my daily walks I stopped for lunch at the local eatery (a table in the street shared with whomever may choose you). A young ginger haired Scottish man sat next to me and we started talking about finding ones's purpose and my frustration at not know what mine was. To which he replied "oh I know exactly what my purpose is!". Well, I had to know, "What is it?". He told me that he was simply going to plant a shit load of tress! He was a horticulturist and was helping replant the rain forests. Wow, so he was going to plant masses of seeds and watch them grow all over the world?! What a perfect and fulfilling purpose! So rewardingly simple- the concept of physically watching a tree grow. Beautiful.

Darling, the body is a guest house;
every morning someone new arrives.
Don't say, "O, another weight around my neck!"
or your guest will fly back to nothingness.
Whatever enters your heart is a guest
from the invisible world: entertain it well.
Every day and every moment a thought comes
like an honoured guest into your heart.
My soul regard each thought as a person,
for every person's value is the thought they hold.
If a sorrowful thought stands in the way,
it is also preparing the way for joy.
It furiously sweeps your house clean,
in order that some new joy may appear from the Source.
It scatters the withered leaves from the bough of the heart,
in order that fresh leaves might grow.
It uproots the old joy so that
a new joy may enter from Beyond.
Sorrow pulls up the rotten root
that was veiled form sight.
Whatever sorrow takes away or causes teh heart to shed,
it puts something better in its place-
especially for one who is certain
that sorrow is the servant of the intuitive.
Without the frown of teh clouds and lightning,
the vines would be burnied by the smiling sun.
both good and bad luck become guests in your heart:
like planets traveling from sign to sign.
When something transits your sign, adapt yourself,
and be as harmonious as its ruling sign,
so that when it rejoins the Moon,
It will speak kindly to the Lord of the heart.
Whenever sorrow comes again,
meet it with smiles and laughter,
saying, "O my creator, save me from its harm,
and do not deprive me of its good.
Lord remind me to be thankful,
let me feel no regret if it's benefit passes away."
And if the pearl is not in sorrow's hand,
let it go and still be pleased.
Increase your sweet practice.
Your Practice will benefit you at another time;
someday your need will be suddenly fulfilled.
- "Mathnawi V"
I love the concept that every thought we have is a guest in our own body; our body is merely the guest house. Our bodies may grow old but our thoughts are new everyday. We are as young as our thoughts, we are as happy as our thoughts, as busy, as sad, as our thoughts. We are the sum of our thoughts. I love the idea that a collection of thoughts are like seasons and as our thoughts change so do the seasons in our mind. Much like the seasons in Notting Hill and the Cherry Blossom poem from the poetry reading. Each season has its place in our heart so even when it is winter and our thoughts are sad, what Rumi's poem reminds us of is that without winter we cannot have spring. We need to go through sorrow so that we may feel true joy- to shed our old leaves so that new fresh buds can grow. Now it is spring and the Cherry trees are in blossom.

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